Gear Wheels
We are all small wheels in the big machinery of our little worlds. Constantly in motion, interdependent and, if we make an effort, unique.
Zahnraeder 250 X 250 Cm
Zahnrad Mit Maikaefer 135 X 135 Cm
Zahnrad Mit Hirschkaefer 130 X 130 Cm
Zahnrad 4 80 X 40 Cm
There’s A Bug In The Machine 2 80 X 40 Cm
There Is A Bug In The Machine 80 X 40 Cm
Spiral Of LIfe 128 X 92 Cm
Lange David Und Goliath 80 X 40 Cm
Imagine We Had Never Met 130 X 75 Cm
Chameleon 130 X 75 Cm